AWS Region Comparison Tool

Sydney → Melbourne

This tool fetches the CloudFormation resource spec from each Region and compares them, allowing you to see differences in service parity. It also compares the APIs, EC2 Instance Types and RDS/Aurora database engines that are available in the two selected Regions.

This comparison can be especially useful when assessing Regions you (or a customer) might be looking to expand into. It can also alert you to missing features when a service has been newly released in a Region and may not have feature parity on day one.

NOTE: This tool only reports on what is defined in publicly-available data. Some service features and configurations will require additional investigation to establish whether or not they are supported in a given Region. There can be a delay of a week or more between a service being released in a new Region and CloudFormation support becoming available and thus making the service visible here. APIs appear first so you may find a service has a service API present in a Region before CloudFormation supports it.

To use: choose any two regions and click the Go button:

Compare source region with destination region

The tool expects the more featured region to be on the left, so results are formatted with a slight bias towards that scenario.

download You can this data as CSV.

The CloudFormation source data is here for ap-southeast-2 and here for ap-southeast-4

Service Summary: Sydney → Melbourne

What the icons mean (click the legend items to toggle the display of matching services)

available in Both Regions
only available in Source Region
some resources only in Source Region
some resources only in Destination Region

Where either the Source or Destination Region shows a service as missing, we will show these icons to indicate the API status in that Region. If neither of these icon is shown it means no API was found.

API is present, so some level of support for the service is available
Unable to identify which API relates to this service

If the data in this tool is ambiguous, you should check the console to see which services (and service features) are supported.

API Presence

In Both Regions

Only in Sydney

Only in Melbourne


EC2 Instance Type Availability

In Both Regions

Only in Sydney

Only in Melbourne


RDS Engine Version Availability

In Both Regions

Only in Sydney

Only in Melbourne


About the Region Comparison Tool

The data displayed in this tool is sourced from the CloudFormation resource specification and the AWS Daily Feature Updates service.

This serverless application is built using AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) and uses AWS API Gateway to handle inbound requests. API Gateway invokes python code running in AWS Lambda to build and output the response. AWS DynamoDB is used to log & cache calculated comparisons.

By default, any comparison of two Regions is cached for 24 hours, but it can be force-refreshed if needed. It's almost certainly not needed unless you can see the generated date below is older than 24 hours.

The source code for this tool is available on Github within the Region Migration Tools repository.

If you have any feedback or feature suggestions for this tool you can raise an issue on Github.

If you have questions or would like more information about cross-Region migrations, send an email to aws-to-aws-migrations at amazon․com

These results were generated on Mon 20 Jan 2025 and reflect the data available at 03:06PM (UTC).